Flies, Cobblers and Vacuum Cleaners
The house was a mite cold last weekend, but I arrived too late to light a fire the first night. Saturday was stunningly beautiful. I hoed all the flower beds I dug last year and planted jacinth, krokus and tulips. In the evening I reglued the insulation around the rebuilt buboskemence's door, but then got smoked out of the house. When the smoke cleared enough, I lit the cserepkalyha and that warmed up the bedroom quite quickly. However, the heat woke up the flies and fly larvae between the windows. Jon G.'s method has proven the best. Reminiscent of Graham Greene's Our Man in Havana, the weapon of mass destruction was an old vacuum cleaner. The flies are still half asleep, and you can vacuum them right up. Sunday I picked some apples for apple cobbler. Cobblers are best done in a cast iron "Dutch oven" in the fire with hot coals packed both on top and below, but I have not been able to find such apot in Hungary.