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Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food

Review: English Stand Up Comedy with Earl Okin

earl okinMusical genius and international sex symbol Earl Okin took the Baby Blue Banana stage again last week. Earl is one of the true greats of British music and comedy, combining his genuine world-class talent for jazz and bossanova with a parallel talent for comic songs and hilarious quips. Earl is a veteran of the last 6 decades of music and comedy and many of the greatest comedy and musical talents in the world rate him as their own personal favourite, including Eddie Izzard, Billy Connolly, Sacha Baron Cohen, Frank Skinner, Van Morrison and Paul McCartney. When the Beatles split and Paul McCartney formed his new band Wings, it was Earl he called to be the support act on his first post-Beatles tour! You might also remember he kindly stayed in Budapest and extra day to help provide entertainment for our Red Mud Aid charity event.

Although I have seen Earl's act several times before, I still find myself newly entertained every time. I think Earl's style of musical comedy combined with his facial expressions make his show more accessible than others to non-native English speakers. I hope to see him back again next year.