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KivulBelul Art Exhibition and The Hang

kapala gyorgyi mandalaOn April 16th we went to the KivulBelul art exhibition opening of our friend Gyorgyi Kapala. It was a mixed exhibition of old and new works. I especially like her mandalas, some of which I saw at her exhibition at the Lukacs Baths last summer. Her small sculptures from champagne bottle cages are fun, as is her new project painting faces on rocks. I was lucky enough to get one of these for my birthday last year. The surprise of the evening was the music by Marton Bakai (violin) and Pavel "Pan" Norbert on a hang of Freedom Cafe Music. I had never seen or heard a hang before, but was blown away by the diverse sounds Pavel got out of it, as well as by his style of playing.

kapala gyorgyi mandala"The Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland. The name of their company is PANArt Hangbau AG. The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of deep drawn, nitrided steel sheet glued together at the rim leaving the inside hollow and creating a distinct 'UFO shape'. The top ("Ding") side has a center 'note' hammered into it and seven or ei
ght 'tone fields' hammered around the center. The bottom ("Gu") is a plain surface that has a rolled hole in the center with a tuned note that can be created when the rim is struck. The Hang uses some of the same basic physical principles as a steelpan, but modified in such a way as to act as a Helmholtz resonator. The name Hang comes from the Bernese German word for hand." - wikipedia
the hang
I think they played this
