Thanks for the reminder Tomi
As I have admitted already, I am a vegetarian, kind-of-sort-of off the wagon these days. Tomi the butcher at the Hunyadi ter Market does some great smoked turkey sausages (pulyka kolbasz), and I bought some yesterday. When I walked into the Richie ABC next to the bookstore, the old geezer at the register, another Tomi, started giving me shit that I had bought meat. Up until then, he had been giving me shit because I was a vegetarian. When I asked for cigarettes (I quit in 1997, but had a terrible hankering for one for some reason that day), his eyes went wide and he started having a go at me. He asked, "What the hell is wrong with you, meat and cigarettes?!" I had hugely disppointed him. In what must be a first in Hungary, the US, or anywhere, he refused to sell me the cigarettes! He said, "No, we don't serve bad boys here." I see now that I have let him down and must do something to reinstill his sense of what is right in the world. Thanks for the reminder Tomi.