Nights at the Theater
The latest installment of BUDSUCS (Budapest StandUp Comedy Show) on October 14 opened a new era for the event. Held at the very posh Cotton Club, tickets included a very nice buffet dinner which also included vegetarian options. The standout of the standup was UK-Based US comedian Scott Capurro. Scott was hysterically funny. His routine took <!-- pagebreak -->cracks at Blacks, Jews, Gays, and any person unfortunate to be in the front row - and had us laughing our socks off, while at the same time silently wondering if we should feel guilty about this. This dichotomy is of course what he got his kicks from, sticking it to the liberals while making them laugh about it. I would be more than happy to see his show again, as long as he keeps his pants on this time. I wonder what Kinga has lined up for November?
Last week I also saw the Hungarian version of Dennis Kelly's After the End (Zsakutca) at the Merlin Theater. They also do an English version. Initially, all we know is that there has been a nuclear attack and a man and woman have found saftey in a bomb shelter. The play is advertised to be a psychological drama about the relationship between these 2 people. It, is, and a whole lot (unexpected) more. After the End was well acted, and I would recommend people to see it. Just don's sit under the speakers as we did - the music style and violume will curdle your brains.