The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food

The Food and Wine Lover’s Guide to Hungary, and Mookie Brando

Together with, Treehugger Dan's launched Carolyn Bánfalvi's  (Park kiadó) on November 19th. There was a huge turnout - over 70 people. The book reveals the dazzling variety of fantastic things to eat and drink in Hungary, and tells you exactly where to find them. The 411-page guide gives lots to chew on: in-depth information on Hungarian cuisine; <!-- pagebreak -->dozens o The Food and Wine Lover’s Guide to Hungary: With Budapest Restaurants and Trips to the Wine Country f restaurant and café reviews; food and wine shops and markets; details on ingredients and dishes; an introductio     n to Hungarian wine; explanations on pálinka and other local drinks; day trips from Budapest and culinary sightseeing; winery profiles and recommendations in Hungary's top wine regions. The Food and Wine Lover’s Guide to Hungary contains an extensive Hungarian culinary dictionary, which will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the pleasures of Hungarian food and wine. The book makes an ideal holiday gift, and is available at both the Budapest Treehugger Dan locations for only 6000 forint.

The following day, the North American Women's Association (NAWA) held a coffee&chat at mookie brandoTreehugger Dan's Bookstore & Lounge, and announced that they have made our 100% arabica organic Fair Trade coffee their official coffee!  In cooperation with NAWA, we are offering their Surviving & Thriving: A Guide to Living in Budapest at both our Budapest locations. The cost is 3000 forint, but 100% goes to charities NAWA supports.

Mookie Brando (solo & acoustic) then played in the evening to a large crowd. This Canadian-Hungarian singer-songwriter put on a great show. He has been several times, but I think this was the best yet. Besides his classics "Angelina" and "Mr. Cliche," I particularly liked "Kind of Girl." Bob Pike joined him on mandolin for a few songs, and had everyone up and dancing for their rendition of Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone."