The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food

Do Something Good with Your Hungarian Income Tax

It is tax time again. Unlike in the US where 1% of your taxes can only be donated to the incumbent president, Hungary allows you to choose an NGO or charity to donate 1% of your taxes too. Every bit helps, and it might as well go to a good cause! Here are some tips from Treehugger Dan:<!-- pagebreak -->

Issue NGO/Charity Tax Number
Animal Protection Fauna 19669687-1-41
Waste Humusz  (Hungarian Waste Working Group) 18529904-2-43
Climate change, energy Energia Klub 18076592-1-41
Air pollution, traffic, public transport
Levego Munka Csoport (Clean Air Action Group)
Energy, Climate Change, Genetically modified food Greenpeace Hungary 18178883-1-41
Refugees and Immigrants
Menedek 18072165-1-42
Human Rights Amnesty International
Fair Trade                Vedegylet
European volunteer program, ecourism mapping… Messzelato
Nature conservation, forestry protection
Service Center for all Hungarian environmental
NGOs, free environmental help line
Okoszolgalat (Ecoservice) 19650830-1-41
Protecting protected buildings    Ovas 18116485-1-41

Simply fill out the small white 1%-pledge form, ("Rendelkezõ nyilatkozat a befizetett adó egy százalékáról") which accompanies the main tax form. Place the pledge form in a regular size envelope. If you submit your tax form yourself, send the sealed envelope to the Tax Office (APEH) together with your tax form. Please, write your name, address and tax number on the front of the envelope (Make sure you indicate these data correctly, because the Tax Office will discard any forms that are incomplete.) If your employer prepares the 2007 tax declaration for you, please, sign the envelope on the back where it is sealed and then give it to your employer. Employers can accept your 1% commitment until the end of the month of May.