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Bitch Moan and Wine Tasting: Abraham Vineyard

Thanks very much to the Abraham Vineyard and Mascalzone Latino for sponsoring last week's Bitch Moan and Wine Club,  The wines can be ordered from Bitch Moan and Wine at any time, but deliveries from the vineyard are only made once a month to Budapest. To remind you, we tried the following:<!-- pagebreak -->

-Hárslevelű 2008 dry Palánkos, limited series - 2600 Ft
-Furmint dry 2008 - 1820 Ft
-Furmint semisweet 2007 Kerektölgyes vineyard, barrique, limited series - 3120 Ft
-Furmint 2007 half dry Kakas selected harvest, limited series 3640 Ft  
-Furmint 2007 reservé (reserve wine) Kakas (very sweet) - 5200 Ft
-Aszúessence 2000 (very sweet) - 13000 Ft

abraham pinceOf these, strangely enough I would again say my favourite was the dry Furmint 2008. I first tried a Furmint in 1990 - my first introduction to the famous Tokaj wines. I disliked it so much that I did not try dry OR sweet Tokaj again for 10 years or more. After years of drinking primarily heavy dry reds, my taste is coming around to appreciating the dry white Furmint and Harslevelu wines.

Mascalzone Latino provided some nice little bruschettas and toasts with mascapone cheese, along with my achilles heel, those Italian almond cookies.

Ábrahám Vineyard, Erdőbénye, 3932, Rákóczi utca 1., tel: 06-70-365-9087 or 0-670-570-8496

Mascalzone Latino, Email: Phone: +36 1 201 0084 Mobile: +36 20 940 4213 Open: from 12.00 to 14.30 and from 18.30 to 22.30, Tuesday to Saturday)