The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food

Entertaining Mr. Sloan & Us Too

Volunteer actors of Equus Productions have been staging Joe Orton's controversial 1964 comedy, "Entertaining Mr Sloane" at Picasso Point in Budapest through April, and I caught the next to last show last night. I enjoyed their production of Equus last season. Picasso Point was one of the first "in" expat bars in 1990-1991 - quickly discovered, and quickly abandoned for the next wateringhole not yet listed in the travel guides. I knew it as a party place, and was surprised to learn a theater production was being held there - I probably had not been back there in over 15 years. Anyway, I took a few friends along, including the parents <!-- pagebreak -->entertaining mr. sloanof a college friend in town to visit. When I met Sylivia (who plays Kath) at a birthday party last month and she told me she was terrified of doing public performances and was forcing herself to do this to help her get over her fears, I approached the preformance with some trepidation. However, I think Sylvia was cast perfectly, and she did a great job. By the way, she is also an expert on buttons, has an internet button shop, and has just published a book on the subject. The consensus was that Béres Miklós' Hungarian accent came through too strongly this time, but there were no complaints about any of the acting. I was also impressed with Dan Hall this time.





Directed by Rhett Stevens

Sylvia Llewelyn as Kath

Béres Miklós as Sloane

Dan Hall as Ed

Rhett Stevens as Kemp