The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food

Ignite! Budapest

ignite budapestMay 28th saw the premier of Ignite Budapest, the first time in fact an Ignite! event has been held in Central and Eastern Europe. If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? This is the concept behind Ignite, an evening of short talks on various topics by different local speakers. Ignite, which began in Seattle in 2006, has spread to over 20 cities around the world hit Budapest last month and was a huge success. It was the best attended event ever at Treehugger Dan's, with over 120 people! Most of the presentations are now on-line here and include:

      Balázs Nagy - ELTE, Way of Life in the Antarctic Oases
Kristin Faurest - Roma Parliament Redesign
Michelle Barrett - USAID, Afghanistan Behind Bullet-Proof Glass
David Erickson - In the Moment: Notes on Becoming a Photographer
Todd Williams - The Slacker Diaries: The Philosophy of Shirking Work
Gábor Bihari - Green CSR in the Crunch
Amnesty International - Abolishing Borders
Greg Spencer – “Urban Transport Biking”
Tycho Sierra - "Swimming Against the Waste Stream"
Patrick Judson - "How Electronic Dance Music Can Save The World"
Flora Film -
Tibor Kocsis "300 Tons of Gold" (New Eldorado 2.) documentary film project about the Rosia Montana canadian-romanian gold mine project 
Valéria Urbán - The Power of Raw Food

Steven Carlson - "Gypsy Social Networking"
Stephen Spinder - Thirteen Years in Transylvania

and for something completely different, check out  Jason Grigsby's Cup Noodle: Innovation, Inspiration and Manga"

Join the Facebook Group for Ignite Budapest
Here's the main Ignite website

For more info, or if you are interested in presenting at the next Ignite! Budapest,

please contact: Steve Nelson: