The Bard Room
Like Saint Nicolas arriving with his switches for all the naughty literary types of Budapest, on December 3, the Bardroom will be introducing new books by two local writers. Colorado-born journalist Marisa Beahm Klein is a veteran open mike organizer and slam poet, and will be reading from her debut volume of poetry Opened Aperture; while artist-writer-explorer-of-life-around-the-world Aubrey Ramage-Lay will share parts of his new book, Walking as Saints. In addition, you'll have a chance to win the usual sort of unique, local treasures when hosts Jeff Taylor and Kalman Farago test the audience's knowledge on a range of obscure literary topics of a Santa Claus-nature as the Budapest Bardroom Quiz runs throughout the evening. For all potential bards, be prepared to participate in the poetry writing contest. The night's best poem (determined by audience reaction) will also fill your sock with a valuable prize. Furthermore, aspiring writers can claim spots for open mike reading. For more information, please visit our website, or contact the organizers at, . at Discover Budapest/Treehugger Dan’s Lazar u. 16, 500 forint (students 300)