The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food

Red Mud Aid Benefit

Date and time: 
12/04/2010 18:30

A BENEFIT NIGHT OF MUSIC AND COMEDY BY EXPATS FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE TOXIC RED MUD DISASTER IN WESTERN HUNGARY. Co-organised by Treehugger Dan’s, Little Britain Services, Baby Blue Banana and many other expat event organisers, this is an opportunity for the expat community to quickly and directly assist those living and working in the areas affected by the unprecedented, catastrophic toxic mud spill on October 4, 2010.

·         5 great bands including Jamie Winchester , Rorschach, Mookie Brando and the Second Cousins , Eva and Jerome …

·         Great English stand-up comedians like Earl Okin

·         100+ tombola prizes

The funds raised will be distributed to the needy quickly and directly through The Csalán (Nettle) Environmental and Nature Protection Association, recommended by both Greenpeace and the Red Cross. Since (regardless of spin) this 40 square kilometers will never, ever be habitable again, the victims of this disaster are in need of funds to permanently relocate. At Corinthia Hotel, Exhibition Room, Erzsébet körút 43-49, Budapest (4-6 tram to Kiraly u. stop)

Tickets cost 2500 Huf and are available in advance from:

Treehugger Dan’s Bookshop and Café at H-1067, Csengery utca 48

Treehugger Dan's Bookstore & Lounge/Discover Budapest at H-1061, Lazar utca 16

            Tel: 06 1 322-0774 or e-mail:

Little Britain Services at H-1119, Fehérvári út 74. III/1 Tel: 06 204 207 447

Ártosz Ízvilág, 1025 Budapest, Csévi u. 7 / b. Map

Reception desk at the Grand Royal Corinthia Hotel at H-1073, Erzsébet körút 43-49

Of course, tickets are also available at the door for the same low price