Concert: Boll Weevil (pre-war folk blues)
Thursday, June 23, 19:30-21:00: Concert: Boll Weevil (pre-war folk blues). The Boll Weevil Folk Blues Gang is intent on displaying the diversity of early American black folk music with a repertoire including ballads, rags, gospels and spirituals besides blues songs. Our music is led by acoustic dobro guitar and vocal (Dávid Ongjerth), escorted by double bass (Gergő Szabó), violin (Milán Bajovics) and harmonica (Mátyás Sain). One of the aims of the group is to show that blues, and black folk music in general, is not only the music of sorrow and depression, but the music of joy and happiness as well.
At Discover Budapest/Treehugger Dan's Lazar u. 16,
500 forint (students 300)