14 selective collection courtyards currently operating in Budapest
There are 14 selective collection courtyards currently operating in Budapest. These
courtyards collect both the basic stuff for recycling such as paper and plastic, and
other things such as household hazardous waste. No charge.Read more »
Electronic Waste Recycling in Hungary
Lately, I have been getting a lot of requests for information about where people can bring their electronic waste in Budapest. Today at Treehugger Dan's Bookstore & Lounge (Lazar u. 16, 6th district behind the Opera House) from 5-6:30, Greenpeace is holding an information session about "e-waste." In addition, Budapest's 3rd District is holding an electronic waste collection at several points from 08:00-14:00 today.
-Békásmegyer - Duna felöli oldal, Heltai J. tér- Juhász Gy. u. parkoló
-Békásmegyer - hegy felöli oldal parking lot behind the medical clinic (orvosi rendelo)
-Csillaghegy, Mátyás kir. u. Lehel u. (TIC parking lot)
-Mocsárosdűlő, Ádámföldi u. - Ringató u. corner
-Pók utcai lakótelep, Római tér parking lotRead more »
Just back from kazakhstan where at the market I tried fresh horse milk (kumish) and camel milk, along with salty horse cheese balls. But the highlight was making one of my favourite Russian dishes with my hosts - Vareniki. Vereniki are a stuffed pasta like ravioli or tortellini, but in a half-moon shape and commonly stuffed with potato, cottage cheese,or cabbage, or less usually with pumpkin or cherries. If you ever take the Tisza Express train from Budapest to Moscow (48 hours) that stops in Lviv/Lvov (12 hours) and Kiev (24 hours), the train stops every 3 hours or so for 10-20 minutes at stations where the platforms are lined with women and children selling all sorts of homemade goods such as vareniki, blini, pirogi, cakes, sour cream, cherries, apples, etc. The longest and best stop is in Zsmerinka, where in my humble opinion, you can get the best vareniki on the planet. Grab some home-made sour cream (smetana) while you are at it. Read more »
Where can you bring your used CDs and DVDs for recycling in Hungary?
If they still function, see if your friends want them. Treehugger Dan’s also buys English language DVDs. Hungary does not have the technological capacity to recycle these plastics, but one company does collect and transport it abroad for recycling. VTCD Videoton Videolemez-gyártó Kft, 1021 Bp., Hűvösvölgyi út 54. Tel: 392-1217 They also have a collection point in Székesfehérvár, at Aszalvölgyi út 7. Tel: 22-533-571 No open hours listed.
Last night some friends and I went out to see the gypsy band EtnoRom at the Siraly. Until now, I had no idea there was anything else in the basement besides the toilets. But Siraly, an unofficial Jewish cultural center at Kiraly u. 50 had not only one, but about 5 different programs last night including a talk by the founder of the European Roma Rights Center, and Vedegylet’s regular environmental information meetings. Siraly also serves Fair Trade organic tea from Treehugger Dan’s.Read more »
What can you do? Take Action!
It is tax time again. Unlike in the US where 1% of your taxes can only be donated to the incumbent president, Hungary allows you to choose an NGO or charity to donate 1% of your taxes too. Every bit helps, and it might as well go to a good cause! Here are some tips from THDs:Read more »
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
If you are stuck at home today because of the transport strike and feel like a nice walk, bring your old paint, cleaners, medicines, batteries, lightbulbs, etc. to Hunyadi ter from 8-13. Of course it is best if you are able to avoid as much hazardous waste as possible. Rechargeable batteries good for an average 1000 charges are widely available in Hungary, not just in the big electronic goods stores. Read more »
To Buy or Not to Buy
The Ethical Consumer Research Association (ECRA), a not-for-profit organisation run as a worker cooperative, has been churning out green buyers’ guides and reports for more than 20 years. Many of these reports, published in the concern’s Ethical Consumer Magazine, are available online, with roughly six new ones added each month. ECRA’s website has recently been divided into two portals: (which contains the buyers’ guides) and (where Boycott News and other sustainable production and consumption-related information can be found). Of course, several other NGOs and watchdog organizations compile information on companies and their environmental records (such as Corporate Watch and Multinational Monitor), but Ethical Consumer is likely the only group to have systematically researched more than 10,000 companies and created product-issue matrices to rate such a wide range of product groups. Ethical Consumer Magazine “looks at the companies behind the brands.” For example, does a company manufacturing recycled paper also clear-cut virgin forests?Read more »
Looking for an Environmental Job in Hungary?
One of the most common questions I get is how to find an environmental or social justice/human rights job in Hungary and the region. If you do not speak the local language you will be offered exciting work as an English teacher or project proposal writer. While these jobs are important, you are probably looking for something a bit more on the activist side of things. Some resources to try:Read more »