The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters

Raise High the Roofbeam, CarpentersRead more »

I Hate Poetry

“I hate poetry,” or so I said to my friend Matthew Huddleston one morning walking to the cold showers at Beijing Foreign Language Normal College. The college administration had decided to clean the 100+ year old hot water pipes by running hydrochloric acid through them.Read more »

A Personal Experiment in Rural Development

My neighbor Attila is a nice guy – he plays guitar, tries to support his kids (with ex-wife), is trained to drive fork lifts and as a stone mason, and is is honest and reliable. The only problem is that he lives in Borsod County, the poorest region in Hungary, and cannot find a job. Of course, it does not help that he is gypsy – it doesn't help at all. Attila has been cutting my grass with a scythe for almost seven years.Read more »

Balaton Swim II

I managed to finish the Balaton Swim in 2:08:43, finishing 1155th, putting me in the top 12% of the 9299 participants who started in this year's event. The participation statistics are as follows:Read more »

Balaton Swim Completed

treehugger dan and kevin jacksonRapidly approaching 42 and frustrated with knee and back injuries every time I just begin to get into shape, I buckled down the last 5 months and started going to the Read more »

Day at the Vidam Park

Everytime I come back from the village, back into Budapest, I pass by the Vidam Park (amusement park) and think I should make a visit. I celebrated a birthday there several years ago, the highlight of which was 20 people on the merry-go-round horses singing the theme from Bonanza (see below for lyrics).Read more »

Derenk Bucsu

derenkAfter learning about the Derenk Bucsu from our neighbors in Perkupa last weekend, we returned to Borsod County with high hopes of a fun if not enlightening time.Read more »

Drink it for Breakfast?

dinner party in szalonnaDown at the house this weekend with Jeroen and Lennard, we were finally able to give something back to our friends in nearby Perkupa.Read more »

Bitch Moan and Wine Tasting: Hilltop Vineyard

bitch moan and wine tastingI had the best intentions Thursday  night to take notes on all of the wines, but you know honestly, I just got distracted by conversations with all the lovely women that attended. But, what the hell, that is what Bitch Moan and Wine is all about: good wine, good price, good conversation in a laid back atmosphere. There was a very good vibe last night.Read more »

Treehugger Dan Now Has A Personal Trainer

When Simon Saunders, formerly director of Gold's Gym in Budapest, found out Kevin Jackson and I were doing the Balaton Swim on July 25th for charity, he offered his personal training services. I used to be a championship swimmer in my youth with the Hockomock Hammerheads (now Hay Lightning), but that was 30 years ago and my knees and back are feeling the years.Read more »