The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food



For those with gas stoves, we all go through a bunch of matches each week. Unlike in the West, former-CEE/CIS countries have a long tradition of refills, but a little-known one is for disposable lighters. Once the gas runs out, you can actually get them refilled here. many key shops (kulcs masolas) do refills for pennies. For example, there is one on the corner of Nagymezo u. and Bajcsy Zs. Ut (on Nagymezo). Also, the flint is till good and they still spark, so keep one around to light your stove-top rings.


I just want to thank all those customers who have come in recently just to introduce me to their new babies. It is very sweet, and makes me feel if not one of the family, at least one of the neighborhood.

Jazz Concerts Continue at Treehugger Dan's: Robin Ashe-Roy, and István Gyárfás

robin ashe-royApril 16 saw what we hope will be a continuing trend of jazz concerts at Treehugger Dan's. Last month we hosted the Jazz Apples, and now Robin Ashe-Roy, and István Gyárfás. Jazz Flutist Robin Ashe-Roy hails from London where he has been a long time member of the British jazz scene.Read more »

English Standup Comedy in Budapest

lloyd langfordOnce again, Kinga Kremer organised a great BUDSUCS English Stand-up Comedy Night last night at the Cotton Club.Read more »

Andrea Gerak Concert

gerak andreaI am addicted to Hungarian folk dancing, but have never been a big fan of the singing. With the possible exception of Lovas Iren with Makam, Hungarian female folk singers tend to go for the high notes and stay there, which causes a fingernails-on-the-chalkboard reaction in me.Read more »

Spring Sunday in Budapest

On Saturday morning I found a home for Kicsi, a place in the countryside with a garden, another mudi-breed dog and a couple cats. From my perspective, though I do not know it from a dog's, it seems a much better life than being kept in a flat for 15+ hours a day. Even after having her for only 2 weeks, I was pretty wrecked after watching her go one way while I went the other. Luckily I have some good friends that kept me busy for the next 2 days. Saturday evening I watched Liverpool win with Bottlehugger Ben at the Longford Pub in the dying seconds of the match.Read more »

Join Earth Day and Critical Mass Events! No Hungarian Language Skills Required

There are two large annual environmental events held in Budapest, Earth Day (officially April 22, but often celebrated on a near weekend day) and World Car Free Day (September 22). During each day, major roads are closed to motorized traffic, including Andrassy Ut, and local NGOs set up stalls with information about local and international environmental concerns, concerts, and a wide variety of children's programs. Budapest will celebrate Earth Day on Sunday, April 19th this year. <!-- pagebreak -->Read more »

Practical Dogkeeping in Budapest

I am not going to bore everyone with tales of my temporary dog (still looking for a new owner if anyone is interested), or show you photos like a proud grandmother, but after 5 days together I am figuring out some positive tips for dog owners in the city. I used to laugh at these dog cosmeticians,  but I took Kicsi into one this weekend to have a bath.Read more »

Bitch Moan and Wine Society Wine Tasting: Agancsos Vineyard

Last Friday saw the 7th installment of Treehugger Dan's and Bottlehugger Ben's Bitch Moan and Wine Society Wine Tastings, this time with Zoltan and Eva Kovacs of the Agancsos Vineyard in Villany. We heard about these folks from our friends and regular wine tasting guests Erika and Paresh who had visited their wine cellar earlier in the month and raved about the wines and how friendly the people were.Read more »

Went to a Pub, Took Home a Dog

kicsiThis morning I felt like I was in a scene from Harry Potter, and I was Hagrid. "Where did you get the baby dragon/three-headed dog/griffin Hagrid?" "Well, I met this guy in a pub..." Last night I was at a goodbye party for a friend at the B. City Pub on Zichy Jeno u. He has had it with Hungary and is going back to England.Read more »