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The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 102: Hortobágy National Park Certified Products

narcisz sajtLast week the project coordinators for the Hungarian National Park Certified Products met at Hortobágy National Park. Our first stop was the Nárcisz Farm  in Debrecen. We got lost and only arrived near the end of the owner's informed introduction to cheese making and his business.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 101: The Betléri Manor and Andrássy Museum

betleri castleFollowing a traditional Easter breakfast of home baked challah, turkey ham from Tomi the butcher at the Hunyadi tér Market, fresh eggs from Attila Szintai in Szendrő, honey from Janos Ambrus in Szendrő, and homemade horseradish, we made a trip into Slovakia to visit the Betléri Manor and Andrássy Museum.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 100: Euripides in Miskolc

dionysusWe are fairly frequent visitors to the Miskolc International Theatre, attending a performance about once every 3 months and we try to make a night of it when we do. We are particularly fond of director Artur Szőcs' productions, and that is not just because we know him.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 98: The Beatles Museum in Ege

beatles museum egerWe had planned to take our granddaughter Lili to Eger last month but for some reason we did something else. The choice was helped by the fact that when I tried to introduce her to Beatles music she did not like it. Instead, she put The Random Chocolates on repeat play, her new favourite band. I'm not complaining.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 97: Winter Esztramos Hill and Aladár Földvári Cave Tour

pea stonesHaving missed the first opportunity to take part in this new tour because of the Pig Killing Festival last week, I jumped at the chance for the second and last date.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 96: Pig Killing Festival in Túrkeve

treehugger dan and harris hawkThe Minister of Agriculture Sandor Fazékas is from Karcag, and always attends the local pig killing festivals around the time of winter carnival. The national parks system comes under his jurisdiction, and therefore we are compelled to set up information stands at such events.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 95: Visit to 3 more National Park Certified Producers

irota ecolodgeThe Ministry of Agriculture charges the national parks to visit all of their certified producers once a year. We are getting a late start, but hope to visit all 13 local producers by the end of the year. Our next group to visit included Royal Treats in Aggtelek, the Ecolodge in Irota, and the Tiny House in Jósvafő.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 94: Visit to 5 more National Park Certified Producers

bobbin laceThe Ministry of Agriculture charges the national parks to visit all of their certified producers once a year. We are getting a late start, but hope to visit all 13 local producers by the end of the year.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park: Visit to 3 National Park Certified Local Producers

Vajda György KékedThe Ministry of Agriculture charges the national parks to visit all of their certified producers once a year. We are getting a late start, but hope to visit all 13 local producers by the end of the year.Read more »