The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 92: Bódvaszilas Cabbage Festival
We missed the Fruit Tree Walk again for the third time this year, but luckily were free for the annual Cabbage Festival in Bódvaszilas. The week of rain cleared in time to give us a glorious autumn afternoon.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 91: Visit to Some of Balaton National Park's Certified Local Producers
This week we had to go down to Csopak in the heart of Balaton National Park for a meeting of all national park certified product coordinators for the 10 Hungarian national parks. Six months ago it was held in the Őrség.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 90: Őskultúra (Ancient Culture) Foundation Festival, Apple Pressing in Irota...
We were in Budapest last week because I participated in Central European University's (CEU) welcome afternoon for the incoming class where I had a table promoting Aggtelek National Park. CEU students and staff get a discount off specific tours at the park.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 89: VIII. Annual Gömör Fruit Festival 2016
Organised by the Gömöri Környezet- és Tájfejlesztő Egyesület, it was touch and go if it would happen this year.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 88: Kolorcity Festival - Muzsikás, Illés Emlékzenekar, Wine Tasting, Bird Ringing C
August 20th not only marked a national holiday in Hungary, but also the last day of the 3-week long Kolorcity Festival.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 87: Maszkura és a Tücsökraj and Theatre Brass Concerts
The annual one month long Kazincbarcika Kolor Fesztival also kicked off last week, and on Monday we travellRead more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 86: VIII. Annual International Hucul Festival and V. International Farrier Competit
This year saw an even greater number of foreign farrier competitors representing 6 countries (HU, UK, FR, FINN, PL, Ger). The 21 competitors in all included two from Finland for the first time, 4 from the UK, and three women.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 85: Holiday at Lake Balaton
We took our summer holiday this year in Balatonfenyves on the southern coast of Lake Balaton, taking advantage of the free use of a house kindly lent by family members.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 84: Bike Ride to Rudabánya and the Award Winning Pannon Seed Bank
We still not have made good on our commitment to slim down. We have been on a few bike rides, but not as regularly as we could or should. Kata decided on the route this time, which brought us through Szendrő to Rudabánya.Read more »