The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 66: Miskolc Zoo
For our granddaughter Lili's 7th birthday we took her to the Miskolc Zoo. Neither Kata nor I had ever been there, but it was not too hard to find. Sign posting is OK in downtown Miskolc, but then it disappears until the last minute right-hand turn for the Vadas Park (rather than zoo).Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 65: Cabbage Festival, Mushroom Picking and Canning
When we cleaned a new piece of land that had been overrun by acacia trees this spring, we discovered a couple hawthorn/thornapple trees hidden beneath the jungle. The hawthorn berry is supposed to be very healthy and is high in pectin, but the seeds are highly poisonous. Kata bravely picked 1kg of fruit - I say bravely because the tree is very thorny.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 63: Bat Rescue
I came home from work last week and found Kata in the front garden weeding among the flowers. When we turned to go into the house we both spotted a large brown blob on one of the gladioli next to the house. It was certainly not a flower, and we conjectured that it was a bat.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 62: VII. Gömör Fruit Festival and Mushrooming Excursion
It appeared that the VII. Gömör Fruit Festival in Aggtelek would be rained out again, so we took the morning to process some of our tomatoes.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 61: Fruit Harvest and Craft Beer
Our annual fruit harvest once again failed, but luckily one of Kata's colleagues Erika allowed us to come and pick plums to our heart's content. Unlike most places in region, Aggtelek has a glut of fruit on the trees.Read more »
The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 58: Jászapáti Wheat Harvest and Bread Festival
Considering the Ministry of Agriculture was the main sponsor of the event, I would have liked to have seen the organisers place big refillable soda water tanks at various places for the booths rather than getting handfuls of small disposable PET bottles. There should have at least been a recycling area.