The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 74: Morel Hunt and Easter

morelsI hope the past week is an indication of mushroom troves to come. I have now been able to dry 4 jars of Judas ears for future soups. Last weekend my former classmate Viki and I tried our luck and made an early season search for morels.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 73: Mushrooming in Forrás Valley

bat in kecske-lyukEarly March is not ideal for mushrooming, but if you like Judas ears, then this is the prime season. And if you are lucky, you might find some early morels. I was planning on joining the Miskolc Mushrooming Association on the first tour of the season, but because of the bus schedule I could not get there in time.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 72: Bódva Flood and Niall Connolly Gig

bodva floodThe Bódva River behind our house should experience an outstanding flood every 80 years or so. When we got hit badly in 2010, when we had 1 meter of water in the basement and the back wall of the house settled, we thought we would be through with this crap for awhile. Unfortunately, the Bódva flooded big time again last week.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 73: Mining History Museum, Edelény Castle Island and the Borsod Local Museum

turelem uvegAs part of a 2-week internal training programme about Aggtelek National Park and its environs including geology, zoology, botany, local history and other themes, several field trips have also been planned. We joined one this week that took us to cultural history sights in Rudabánya and Edelény.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 71: The Shop around the Corner

the shop around the cornerWe wanted to get our friends tickets to The Broken Jug at the Miskolc National Theatre, a production directed by Artur Szőcs we thoroughly enjoyed a couple years ago. Unfortunately, it is only scheduled to be performed again in March or so.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 70: Weekend in Sárospatak

rakoczi castle sarospatakLast summer at Aggtelek National Park's Hucul Horse Festival, Kata and I won some tickets to a few museums in Sárospatak.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 69: Csáky Manor and the American House, Szendrő

csáky manor szendrőWhen we took the car in to get the winter tires put on, we did something we have never done before - taken a walk through Szendrő. In the process, we were reminded of at least two sights of cultural-historical importance that we had not been to yet - the Csáky Manor and the Pedellus or Americans House.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 68: Visit to a Local Organic Mangalica Farm

andras bariWe have often run into the Baris at various local festivals and events, such as the Gömör Gyömülcs Fesztival and the Tornabarakony Village Day. However, probably because we are not meat eaters, we have until now never gone to visit their farm.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part 67: A Spa Day in Lillafüred

palota hotel lillafuredAfter three years battling in the Hungarian courts, justice was finally served and I won my court case against DCE-Hungary in June over my former second hand bookstore, Treehugger Dan's. It has been a traumatic and frustrating experience, but ultimately worthwhile to pursue the case through the courts.Read more »