The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


I Love TED

Still hooked on Youtube, but this time it is inspirational. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine posted an interestingly titled video on Youtube via Facebook and I checked it out. Since then, I have been addicted to Technology Entertainment and Design (TED)'s 18-minute talks.Read more »

First Bogracs of the Season

Its still a bit nippy and rainy out in the videk, but that did not stop us from having the first bogracs of  the season. We got in quite late Friday night, so we settled for some Kievski tort Lennard had brought from Kiev that day, and a bottle of Sumegi Birtokbor Evidencia Cuvee 2008 (Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot). The wine won the silver medal at Vinegora in 2009, but I found it watery and weak. It was much better the next evening when it warmed up a bit.Read more »

An Evening of Harmonies and Finger-Picking

stephen ladek and doug jaymesI am a sucker for finger-picking and lovely harmonies, and the concert last Thursday night had a lot of both. People just don't do enough finger-picking or harmonies these days. Stephen Ladek, Doug Jaymes, and Jeff and Holly Jordan, put on a fun show of acoustic rock, mostly their own stuff and a few covers.Read more »

A Wine Weekend with VinCE

A couple weekends ago I attended a massive wine tasting event called VinCE. VinCE is a Central European wine event to taste, buy and sell, meet and learn from leading experts plus network. About 100 wine makers were represented displaying 600+ wines. The wine vendors included these. Bottlehugger Ben, John G.Read more »

Poniklo Imre Concert: Fel a Fejjel Kristof

poniklo imreBy now everyone knows I am a fan of Mike Kentish and any band he is in. Tuesday night I saw him play at the Godor Klub with Poniklo Imre (also of Amber Smith).Read more »

AISB International Fair

American International School of Budapest (AISB) just held their huge annual international fair. Parents set up international food stalls in the gym for homemade Belgian waffles, Canadian pancakes with real maple syrup, Indian mango lassi, etc.Read more »

Makifood Cooking Class: The Chinese Medicinal Kitchen

makifood and treehugger danTreehugger Dan’s has just begun cooperation with Budapest’s hottest cooking school, supplying Makifood with organic Fair TradeRead more »

An Evening of Comedy at the Baby Blue Banana

brian higginsOne of the many new event series in the Budapest constellation revolving around Howard Cohen are the English language stand-up comedy nights. The new venue is the Dover Club on Kiraly u., connected with the Dover School of English. Recently renovated, the basement club is gorgeous.Read more »

Who Plays a Chair?

Who Plays a Chair?
I did not know what to expect last night. I have known some of the people in the band for many years, but somehow never seen them play either as CaracasUnderpop or Slamballet. Well, I was impressed. When they were tuning up and Agi and Flora broke into song, the staff and I looked at each other and said, "This is gonna be gooood."
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Bitter Sweet: The Secret History of the Chocolate Industry

willy wonkaOne of my favorite movies as a kid was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971). What child did not want to win the golden ticket? Who didn’t want to see the mysteries hidden behind the tall walls of the factory?Read more »