The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


The Home Sessions

home_sessionsLast night saw the premier live concert of The Home Sessions, another Budapest supergroup formed, this time, in someone's kitchen.Read more »

A Thousand Country Roads

bridges of madison countyOn one of my infrequent trips back to the US in the early 1990's for a friend's wedding, I stayed with my friend Alexandra in Chicago for a few days.Read more »

Budapest Green Maps Available

budapest green mapMuch like two potential Nobel Prize winners in physics working half a world away from each other and somehow discovering the same thing at the same time, this year saw the publication of local NGO Messzelato's Green Map (in booklet form), and the Read more »

The Bardroom, June 2010

poosta ramblersMonday night saw return of the somewhat monthly BardroomRead more »

A Night of Magic and Comedy with Paul Zenon

paul zenonEveryone who came out last night to watch Paul Zenon, the best comedy magician in Britain, lucked out on all fronts.Read more »

Dutch Election Party

Largely unnoticed by the rest of the world (no coverage on BBC or CNN online), the Dutch held a national election yesterday and accordingly, the Dutch Embassy had an election result watching party out on their patio. I was called in on escort duty again - and really, who can say no to good wine, cold beer, Dutch cheese and nice company? Since I do not speak much Dutch anymore, I largely ignored the tv and concentrated on the wine and cheese.Read more »

Some Dan Bacsi Time

Yesterday afternoon I realised I was in need of some Dan Bacsi time. Every once in awhile I will get depressed, and eventually figure out the thing that has lately been missing in my life . It is usually exercise, but this time it was being Uncle Dan to Ben and Anita's kids. And I had yet to meet their newborn, Samuel. Ben made some awesome enchilades, while I played horsey and read Dr. Seuss stories to Noah and Abi.Read more »

The Story of Treehugger Dan's

treehugger danI have been an environmental activist and trainer for over 20 years, working for Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth , and more locally for groups such as Read more »

Kasimir and Karoline

Saturday marked my third invitation to the annual party thrown by Jeroen and Lennard for the Eurovision song contest final. I do not understand the appeal of this contest or the whole hoopla around it. Without exception, the songs are appalling, and you have to hear the same songs all year round because it is a song contest, not a judgment on the act. But the party is always great.Read more »