The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Swimming is a lonely and boring sport, but

Swimming is a lonely and boring sport, I can't deny. But I realised the other day that in fact I am not alone. My head is full of my friends' voices raised in song. I hear Mookie singing "Landslide," Rachel singing "Lonely Girl," Jerome singing "Trouble," Greg singing "Vagbond," Niall singing "70000 Words," The Random Chocolates playing "Pure," Marco & Kati doing "Ruby's Shoes," The Last Drops singing "Wagon Wheel"...Read more »

The Voice & The Verse tour hit Budapest again

niall connolly and gavinThe Voice & The Verse tour hit Budapest again this Wednesday.Read more »

The Poosta Ramblers: Live and In Your Face

the poosta ramblersEvery once in awhile I get a bit down and anti-social for no apparent reason. Usually what I need is 15 minutes with a good book, sometimes it is sport, sometimes it is good live music among and/or played by friends.Read more »

Home Alone with Imagination and OTR

When I am ill in bed for a long time, like I was last month with tonsilitis (yeah, in June, go figure), I read a lot. But sitting up in bed reading for long periods also tends to put my back out. To combat this, and because I enjoy it, I often listen to Old Time Radio (OTR)/Old Valve Radio (OVR).Read more »

A Swim Interrupted

kinizsivarThe Balaton Swim was postponed this weekend due to a forcasted storm. The fierce winds left the lake strangely placid, but in any case, the next try will be this coming Saturday or Sunday.Read more »

Marco & Kati

Marco & Kati returned to Treehugger Dan's last night, and they were in top form. Joining them on stage were Greg Zeigler (The Last Drops) on cajon, and Agoston on cello - both additions to the line up were meshed well and brought the performance to a new level. Marco again greatly impressed on his two instumentals, and Kati belted out the tunes.Read more »

Open Mike Music Night at Red Velour

I don't usually venture as far as the 9th district at night, since that means a drunken cycle home. But, given the line-up of seasoned and new talent to check out at Red Velour, I promised myself to go steady on the froccs and rolled the bikey out for a jaunt to the Red Cafe (Raday u. 14). Tony Donnelly is the newest member of the expat crowd to organise English-language events, under the brand of Red Velour.Read more »

Beer Kert Varos

grandioWith the hot weather finally here, I have been making the rounds of the new beer gardens. I tried Ötkert (Zrinyi u. 4, 5th district) a few weeks ago at about 5pm. The place is done up nice, and conveniently located without being overpriced for its location.Read more »

Bookmarks - Closing the Circle

old books"Dear Adi, Dan,Read more »

A Night of Comedy with Geoff Whiting

geoff whitingGeoff Whiting, one of Britain’s most successful stand-up comedians graced the Baby Blue Banana stage last night at the Sziget Klub.Read more »