The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Trip to the Elevenpark

elevenparkLast weekend I had the pleasure to help babysit 4 year old Bogyo. As expected, she likes everything pink, including Hello Kitty, Strawberry Shortcake, but especially, especially My Little Pony.Read more »

The Magistrate: Theatre Review

The Magistrate Photo by Johan PerssonWhen I heard that tickets were available to a play in Budapest starring John Lithgow, I immediately called friends and snapped up six tickets.Read more »

New Fair Trade World Shop Opens in Budapest

vilag boltIn the past 7 years there have been several attempts to open a Fair Trade "world shop." in Budapest with varying degrees of success. Now, the founder of the Fair Trade movement in Hungary and her oldest daughter are making a go of it on their own.Read more »

Concert Review: Mookie Brando and the Second Cousins at Gondozo

mookie brando and the second cousinsI have been unfortunate to miss the last few Mookie Brando and the Second Cousins gigs, but made up for it by staying out until 1:30am at the Gondozo on January 12th.Read more »

The Invisible Exhibition (Lathatatlan Kiallitas)

lathatatlan kiallitasHaving first heard about a museum for the blind in the UK over 20 years ago, I was intrigued by the Invisible Exhibition (Lathatatlan Kiallitas) that has been touring Hungary for some time and is now hosted in Building B at the Millenaris Park.Read more »

Vivien Maier Photo Exhibit

vivian maierWhen I saw the article in a Time Out Budapest a couple months ago, I tore it out for reference and decided I wanted to see the Vivien Maier photo exhibition at the Mai Mano House of Photography.Read more »

Alma Zenekar: A Great Kid's Programme

alma zenekarJust before Christmas I had a chance to meet up with my friend Gabi and her daughter Nilda. I had not seen them in at least a year, and they were going to some kid's programme at the Millenaris. I had no idea what I was going to be in for, but I was happy to see them.Read more »

Review: English Stand Up Comedy with Daniel-Ryan Spaulding

daniel-ryan spauldingThe 2012 Standup Comedy season ended with a bang, or should I say, a sassy-snap.Read more »

Mikve: Theatre Review

mikveMy friend Nora has wanted to see Mikve at the Vigszinhaz (Pesti Szinhaz stage) for some time, but tickets proved impossible to obtain. Luckily Julcsi was able to help out, 3rd row center - thanks Julcsi! Indeed the place was packed.Read more »