House Guests and Good Wine
My friends Ilana and Susi stayed with me for a few days last week.Read more »
Hollosy-Saltzer Wedding
A couple weeks ago my friends Akos and Nori got married at the Pestszentlorinci Maria Szeplotelen Szive Church tucked away in the 18th District in a small wooded area. Nora had such a long train that 4 kids had to help her with it all night.Read more »
On Turning 45
For the longest time, I was convinced that my brother would kill me by the time I turned 23. I do not know which I was more surprised about: that I lived past 23, or that I actually just turned 45. In any respect, it is a good reason to celebrate, and after a lot of hemming and hawing, I finally decided to have a party down at the house in the countryside for my 45th birthday.Read more »
Makifood Cooking School Turns 5
Makifood Cooking School celebrated its 5th birthday last night. Congratulations!Read more »
Gyuri the Parakeet: Decider of Fates
Back in the early 1990s little old men and women could be found at various metro stations or at busy intersections in Budapest with a small table, a box of folded colored papers, and a parakeet. When you paid the fee, the parakeet would pick a paper out of the box for you with your fortune on it.Read more »
The 24th Memorial Kert Crawl: Neil Armstrong
We lost a lot of famous people in the last few weeks: Sherman Hemsley (Mr.Read more »
Hidden Budapest: Gasworks Part 2
From the bike (or car) road to the right of Auchan (Jegtoro u.) just before the intersection with the Infopark, one can see buildings that, from afar, seem to be in the same style of those I discovered a few weeks ago further down the road as part of the old Read more »
21 Flats in 22 Years
It is amazing to think that I have lived in 21 flats in 22 years in Budapest. Sometimes I have had to move because of the son coming back from the army and the family needed the flat the next day, or relatives were coming from the countryside. Sometimes the owners would come in and out of the apartment as they please while I am there, or not. There have been electrical fires in the walls caused by old faulty wiring that I was somehow expected to take responsibility for, or the end of a romantic relationship.Read more »
Szimplakert Haztaji Piac (Szimplakert Croft Market) Revisited
Having a free Sunday morning on my hands, a friend and I visited the Szimplakert Haztaji Market. The great ambiance was still there.Read more »
Fruit Picking in the Videk
After an extended break, I finally got down to the house this month, this time with Istvan. For some reason the fridge was awash with black fungus. This has never happened before and it took us a couple hours to clean everything.Read more »