The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part VII: Largest Book in the World

largest book in the worldAccording to there was supposed to be a local market day in the village of Aggtelek so we went up there to taste some of the local produce - hoping to find at least some fine cheeses. We were disappointed to find that no one in town knew anything about the event.Read more »

The Good Life Part V: Welcome Wagon Vakaro from the Lakatos Family

vakaroI have lived in town for over 12 years, and in all that time no one has ever come as a welcome wagon and brought us over food or invited us to dinner in the village. Csabi and Szonja, who we barely know (but whose older brothers Sanyi and Attila I have known for years), suddenly suggested they bring us over vakaro and lecso.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part IV: Erdőbénye

door tokajWe stopped in Forro for gas and motor oil at the Avia station. The woman running the place was extremely friendly and helpful and did not sneer at the idiot (me) asking if we needed to top up the oil. It has got to be the friendliest gas station I have ever been to.

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The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park Part III: Szanticska and the Road to Erdőbénye

szanticskaKata had some money on her SZÉP Kartya, and after some late night discussions about where to go on holiday with it, we hit on the idea of Tokaj.Read more »

The Good Life in Aggtelek National Park: Part I

keseru gombaWe moved to the house for the summer in Aggtelek National Park with the help of Brian Scoffield. Brian was luckily on hand to celebrate his birthday and helped us move the 2 bikes and various other supplies to the countryside.Read more »

Pick-Your-Own 2013

pick your own strawberriesLast weekend we rode our bikes about 30-40 minutes out towards Plisvörösvár/Solymar (road 10 and Bécsi Ut) to pick strawberries at Eperfold.Read more »