The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Review: English Stand Up Comedy with Earl Okin

earl okinMusical genius and international sex symbol Earl Okin took the Baby Blue Banana stage again last week.Read more »

Concert Review: The Vibe Debut Concert

the vibeSaturday, November 10th saw the long-awaited debut of Budapest's newest cover band super-group, The Vibe. Shameless, consisting of two of the members of The Vibe, Michael Kentish and Jon Spinks, opened the show with a grooving mix of old classics and more contemporary tunes.Read more »

The Voice and the Verse: Poet Neil McCarthy's CD Project

neil mccarthyMany of you probably remember poet extraordinaire Neil McCarthy who has performed on many occassions at Treehugger Dan's as part of Read more »

Concert Review: Keep Floyding

keep floydingLast night I attended a show, and I do mean SHOW.Read more »

Restaurant Review: A Presto Pizza and Pasta

a presto pizzaWhile New York Pizza is still tops in my book, there is a new kid on the block and they are getting a lot of things right.Read more »

3 Vodkas, 2 Bike Rides, 1 Dog Bite and a Hike

forest brookFinding myself unexepcetdly at loose ends this ong weekend, I was determined to make the most of the late Indian Summer. Tim and I went on a gorgeous hike on Saturday in perfect autumn weather. Although we packed fleeces, we could have been in shorts.Read more »

Rose of Jericho

rose of jerichoAfter several weeks, I finally made it back to the Hunyadi ter Market this Saturday, which also happened to coincide with the Terezvarosi Bucsu, a party for the 6th District. Before Lyds showed up, I bought a bunch of flower bulbs to plant on the balcony, mostly different kinds of dwarf tulips and crocus.Read more »

Flies, Cobblers and Vacuum Cleaners

our man in havanaThe house was a mite cold last weekend, but I arrived too late to light a fire the first night. Saturday was stunningly beautiful. I hoed all the flower beds I dug last year and planted jacinth, krokus and tulips. In the evening I reglued the insulation around the rebuilt buboskemence's door, but then got smoked out of the house.Read more »

Review: English Stand Up Comedy with Dave Thompson

tinky winkySurprisingly it has been more than 2 years since Dave Thompson last headlined a show for Baby Blue Banana in Budapest, though his wife Eva played a sitar concerRead more »

Meatless Mondays at Makifood

I was cycling along Romai part a few weeks ago when I ran into Maki from Makifood Cooking School out for a walk with her family. She invited me to her monthly Meatless Monday event every first Monday of the month. I brought my friend Nora who is a big theater goer and Ervin Nagy fan.Read more »