The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Solo Spinks

jonathan spinksFriday night at Treehugger Dan's, Jonathan Spinks held his first solo concert. Well, it was semi-solo because  Jacqueline Harvey  harmonised on many of the songs.Read more » International Networking Event

expat hosted an international networking event last night at the Radisson Blu Hotel.Read more »

The Big Clean for District 6

lomtalalnitasOnce or twice a year, each district in Budapest has a day when people can throw away large items and have them carted to the dump for free. This year's Big Clean or "lomtalalnitas" for the 6th District will happen next Friday, October 8th.Read more »

Let My People Go Surfing

Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Yvon Chouinard
2005, Penguin Group, 260pp.

"There is no business to be done on a dead planet." - David BowerRead more »

For my 43rd birthday this year

wooden shoesFor my 43rd birthday this year, I was able to spread it over 2 weekends at the house in Szalonna. The first weekend I celebrated with John G., Rich and Tara. We cooked an awesome bogracs with pulyka kolbasz and later sat out under the stars by the campfire smoking strawberry tobacco in a Turkish water pipe.Read more »

Bass it on Good Stand-Up

dave thompsonBaby Blue Banana brought yet another huge stand-up comedy name to the stage Tuesday night.Read more »

Americanacht III

amerinacht IIITreehugger Dan's snuck a concert into the first week of September, vaguely named Americanacht III.Read more »

Makifood Cooking School Season Opening

makifoodMakifoods, one of the premier cooking schools in Budapest, and recently cited as among the Best of Budapest in Timeout Magazine, kicked off its new season with a press conference and of course, a number of treats to try courtesy of their new teachers.Read more »

Rachel, She Was a Good Horse, Too

racing formRachel, She Was a Good Horse, Too (see Peter Paul and Mary's "Blue")Read more »