The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Guy Fawkes Night guy put on their annual benefit event for the Smiling Hospital Foundation at the InterContinental Hotel.Read more »

Acoustic Chocolates

random chocolatesLast night marked the first time the Random Chocolates all played together at Treehugger Dan's, and the first time Read more »

A November Weekend

fall foliageI spent the weekend catching up with friends. Ben's kids wanted some "Dan Bacsi Time," so I went up to their house on Saturday and met up with the Priors as well. Ben made some yummy pizza rolls and we split a couple bottles of wine.Read more »

Flamenco Pura: Vaca! Vaca!

nick palmer and pozsgai attilaNick Palmer and Pozsgai Attila put on a fantastic Flamenco show last night at Treehugger Dan's.Read more »

Zee Germans Are Funny, Too

christian schulte-lohBaby Blue Banana put together yet another great stand-up comedy evening last night. Service at Art Tatu was friendly, and the organisers put togther some specials from the menu.Read more »

A Day at the Races II

kincsem parkA certain someone overslept on Sunday morning after the great Mookie Brando concert.Read more »

Kissing the Dog

mookie brandoIts been a pretty active week and weekend.Read more »

Percolating Mookie

Mookie Brando and The Random Chocolates

random chocolatesTwo great local international bands co-headlined at Rézmál Kávézo last Saturday night. The Random Chocolates first took the stage and rocked the house with their high-energy show.Read more »