The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Laci Bacsi

laci bacsiMy Swiss friend Claudio made a documentary film with 6 of his students a year ago about Laci Bacsi, Lazslo Somogyi Singer, a Hungarian survivor of the Holocaust who fled to Switzerland in 1956.Read more »

Earth Day at CEU

earth daySustainable CEU held their annual Earth Day event on Friday afternoon.Read more »

An Honest Chap

I was going to a children's book sale this week, and while unpacking at the school discovered I had lost a roll of change (8000 huf worth) through a hole in my bag. I called the taxi company and the driver did not find it. I looked out in the parking luck without any luck either.Read more »

Concert Review: Emporium of Sound: Flaunt It If You've Got It!

yasya protsLast week Treehugger Dan's held its first double-header concert. Featuring Yasya Prots from Ukraine and Tod Doyle (IR) and the Trouble, it was a packed house with plenty of new faces.Read more »

Bad Weather was a Great Excuse for a Cool Weekend

kiraly u. 67Starting off with a quick omelet at Richie and Tara's at 9 on Saturday, I continued on to the Hunyadi ter market for my first shopping for 2 weeks with another friend. The flower/plant guy got in some coriander plants for me, so I stocked up on coriander, basil and mint for the balcony and garden.Read more »

Need a Map?

terkepkiralyAs noted in my previous blog, while hiking in the Pilis last weekend the paper map, signboard map and google maps were all incorrect.Read more »

Easter Weekend in Aggtelek and the Pilis

pilisvorosvar train stationEaster weekend was pretty frigid no matter where you were, and Borsod County was no exception. Even so, Richard, Magda, and little Alex and I had a good time, eating and drinking well.Read more »

Season Opener in the Countryside

Some friends (Neil, Jeanette and Gaby) and I got down to the house last weekend. It was frigid and windy most of the time, but luckily we arrived early enough on Friday to start the fires and take the edge off the cold. I made some green curry (a la Chris Parsons), and later a chicken paprikas type thing on the bogracs for Saturday's dinner.Read more »

Voicing Over the First Female Rabbi

regina jonasI was asked last night to do a voice over for a new documentary film by director Diana Groo and Katapult Film on the life of the first female rabbi, Regina JonasRead more »

World Book Day and The Lorax

the loraxOn World Book Day I was invited to the Britannica School to make a presentation, among 35 others, on my favorite book.Read more »