The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Book Review: The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs

year of living biblicallyI am about as non-religious as a person can get. If it were not for my amazing matzoball soup and bagels, the MOTs would have taken my Jew-card away decades ago.Read more »

Flamenco Puro at Treehugger's: Concert Review

nick palmer and attila pozsgaiNick Palmer and Attila Pozsgai entertained and amazed us with their flamenco puro show on Thursday. As usual, it was a full house for this twice yearly performance.
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Hurdy Gurdys and Honky-Tonks

I have been a bit behind in my blogging duties, but a lot of music has been happening. Last Monday I attended the latest installment of the bi-weekly jam I call the Goldfish Sessions for lack of anything better, and because Ash once posted a photo of goldfish when advertising the event. The night was special because Eric Bosque took the bold step of grabbing the microphone and singing a nice Zach Rivers tune.Read more »

Hurdy Gurdys and Honky-Tonks

I have been a bit behind in my blogging duties, but a lot of music has been happening. Last Monday I attended the latest installment of the bi-weekly jam I call the Goldfish Sessions for lack of anything better, and because Ash once posted a photo of goldfish when advertising the event. The night was special because Eric Bosque took the bold step of grabbing the microphone and singing a nice Zach Rivers tune.Read more »

Catching Up with an Old Friend

My friend Stephen Provasnik from Bates College was in Vienna this weekend and I managed to grab a train and spend some time with him catching up on the last 12 years. The new Rapid train is a smooth, clean and quick ride. I was also pleased to note that the reciprocal agreement between Vienna and Budapest public transport companies remains active, but with a minor modification.Read more »

Concert Review: Marco & Kati

Marco & KatiKati and Marco (and Greg and Agoston) put on another fine performance at Treehugger Dan's last Thursday. I think Kati gave one of her best performances to date.Read more »

Thanksgiving 2011

thanksgivingThanksgiving this year was a smaller affair, again at Ben and Anita Freiday's. Kenny (the annual resurrected bird via South Park) weighed in at 7.7kg with neck. I had ordered it the week before at the Hunyadi ter market with no problems.Read more »

Unofficially Opening Howard's Wallet, Or Not

paul b. edwardsDan Thomas opened November's Baby Blue Banana standup comedy offering. I found some of his audience research quite intriguing. For example, among the 40-50 attendees, only two were married - both women.Read more »

Get Your Lads Out for the Hits

michael kentish and greg zeiglerI think Ash secretly looks at my music likes on Facebook before every second Monday in order to surprise me with some of my favorite tunes.Read more »