The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Grand Re-Opening Party and Bitch Moan and Wine Club

treehugger dan's bookstore cafeThanks to the over 100 people who came out last Thursday night to help Treehugger Dan's and Discover BuRead more »

The Voice & The Verse

neil mccarthyIrish poet Neil McCarthy returned for another installment of The Voice & The Verse, a night of stories, poems and music.Read more »

An Early Spring-Late Winter Hike

harmashatarhegyThe weather is turning towards spring. My flower bulbs are beginning to poke through on the balcony. I had my holy Saturday cheese-dourcream-garlic langos at Hunyadi ter Market (best in Hungary) then took off to the hills with my friend Jon for a short hike in the sun and mud. We started at Huvosvolgy on the yellow trail.Read more »

Treehugger Dan's Bookstore is consolidating and expanding

Treehugger Dan's Bookstore is consolidating and expanding. From Sunday, January 29th, Csengery u will be closed and we are moving everything to our Lazar u.16 location with Discover Budapest behind the Opera. Not only will we finally have heat again, but with a big new gallery, comfortable seating, and over 10000 books on display, the move offers a lot of advantages.

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Danube Dinner Cruise

danube dinner cruiseYesterday was a wonderful day, topped off by a Danube dinner cruise for a late birthday present from my friend Margo, joined by Gica and Mark. Guests meet at the Duna Palota on Zrinyi u.Read more »

Russian Dinner Party

russian dinnerJeroen and Lennard had a few guests over for a Russian party. The international group consisted of a few Dutch, Finnish and Hungarian guests and myself. Jeroen was in the kitchen for 2 days and the menu was both extensive and delicious. Thanks for making it vegetarian for the first time!Read more »

Dutch Embassy New Year Party

liszkayI was lucky enough to be asked to escort a Dutch friend again to the Dutch Ambassador's residence for the New Year party. The dutchies were all waiting for the bitterbollen to come out, but I was very happy with the pesto-stuffed cherry tomatoes, mushroom caps with brie, and springrolls.Read more »

Stone Soup: Restaurant Review

kolevesI have spent many a summer evening at Koleves Kert, just behind the Koleves Restaurant, but had never been to the restaurant. Last night I finally had a good excuse to try it out.Read more »

Klassz Wine

montes vineyard chileA couple weeks before Christmas, a friend of mine called wanting to get out of the pre-holiday madhouse at home for a glass of wine.Read more »

Christmas 2011

treehugger dan santaWith most people out of town and the house in the country closed up for the season, I was lucky to be invited into the homes of friends for the holidays this year. On the 24th, I was with the Freidays and their extended family. I received a Butler Hot 'n' Tot bed warmer in the form of a monkey.Read more »