The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Monday Night Jam at Potkulcs

potkulcsA couple months ago some groovey guys had an impromptu jam over at Potkulcs, arguably Budapest's first romkert (ruin  pub).Read more »

My 44th

csonakhazI did not make any plans for my 44th this year. I had the usual birthday dinner with my friend Chris whose birthday is on the 22nd.Read more »

Makifood Open Day and O utca Pub Crawl

makifoodMakifood held their annual season opener this week to introduce the new courses, the guest teachers, and plans for the future. One of the big changes is the venue. Until now, the cooking school has inhabited part of Maki and Endre's flat.Read more »

Bogracs, Fair Trade Business and The Body Shop

bogracs gulyasThis weekend it was back to the house after a long hiatus. Bottlehugger Ben and his family came with me and were kind enough to help transport a new 80l water tank to replace the old rusted out one. We cooked a bogracs of gulyas with chicken legs, and toasted marshmallows and mahopde s'mores.Read more »

English Stand Up Comedy Night Review

throw your voiceAfter spending the late afternoon helping my friend Agi put together Ikea cabinets during the last gasp of summer heat wave, it was difficult to motivate myself to get down to Smiley's for Baby Blue Banana's August stand-up comedy show.Read more »

Fair Trade Hungarian restaurants, pubs and cafes

fair tradeThese Hungarian restaurants, pubs and cafes are pioneers in introducing Fair Trade organic coffee and tea - of course from Treehugger Dan's.Read more »

Vacation at Balaton

balaton langosI was lucky enough last week to get a couple invites down to Balaton with two sets of friends, the Freidays in Siofok, and then Akos and Nori in Balatonalmadi. The Freiday kids kept me busy as an unofficial nanny, taking them swimming and reading them stories on the beach.Read more »

Out of the Mouths of Babes

abi and noahI was over at Bottlehugger Ben's and Anita's Saturday night for dinner and to play with the kids. 6-year old Abi came up to me, grabbed my bearded face between her hands, and with a long, sad face and big eyes said, "poor you, you are so hairy," as if I had caught a disease.Read more »

Coq au Vin in a Bogracs

grilled cornThe overcast weather did not detract from an otherwise fine weekend in the countryside. I finished reading Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds and am looking forward to the sequel Absolution Gap. I also immediately got into the book, The Cheese Room and learned about 20 new things in the first 30 pages.Read more »

Standup Comedy Review: Shelter from the Storm

standup comedy budapestDespite the massive downpour, lightning, the electric grid blowing out and other acts of god, I really enjoyed last night's standup comedy hosted by Baby Blue Banana.Read more »