The local bookstore with a Global Conscience

Fiction, non-fiction, environment, poetry, history, mystery, biography, travel guides, children, young adult... and much, much more!

Wide selection of quality second-hand English paperbacks at reasonable prices. The most "dangerous" street in Budapest: good books and gourmet food


Trip to the Dentist: FirstMed

teeth whitening budapestMy alma mater Bates College used to have a massive trivia night contest that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. For some reason, my team with Jen and Joanne called ourselves, "A Trip to the Dentist" in 1988.Read more »

Concert Review: Rorschach

rorschachtI had seen Rorschach play a couple times already, for example at Red Mud Aid, but this was the first time they have been on the Read more »

Monday Night Lekvar at Potkulcs: Remix

potkulcsMonday Night Lekvar at Potkulcs: RemixRead more »

The Pickle Song

pickle songI had just finished my food shopping at Hunyadi ter market this Saturday when I ran into Bob Jaxon of the Poosta Ramblers, and his daughter Sophia.Read more »

Concert Review: MC Marco Jackson VS. Gregory and the Zigomatics

greg zeigler marco randriaMarco Randria (Fr) and Gregory Zeigler (US), a.k.a. MC Marco Jackson VS. Gregory and the Zigomatics.Read more »

Indian Summer in the Countryside

cochraneIt was a gorgeous weekend at the house, and pure Indian summer. The light and the climate during the day was perfect, while it was crisp (to say the least) in the evening.Read more »

Concert Review: Hybris

hybrisThe recently-formed band Hybris, a collaboration of international artists, kicked off the concert season at Treehugger Dan's in style with a show based on improvisation.Read more »

The Random Chocolates Don't Make The World Go Around, But They Certainly Make The Trip Worthwhile

random chocolatesFirst of all, congratulations to Rich and Tara on the birth of their twins Max and Jules earlier this week.Read more »

Stand-Up Comedy Show Review: Kevin Hayes

kevin hayesThe September Baby Blue Banana standup comedy show moved back to Smiley's, with Dave Thompson resuming the mantle of MC. Irish Headliner Kevin Hayes put on a very good show.Read more »

Love, Truth and Other Myths: Album Review

mookie brandoI have known Mookie Brando (alias Zsigo Feri) for a number of years, ever since I saw him play a solo gig at the Fregatt Pub. Back in the early 1990's the Fregatt was the only place you could get Guinness on tap in Budapest.Read more »