Concert Review: Yan Yates (UK)
Yan Yates' European tour hit Treehugger Dan's last Thursday night.Read more »
Veggie-burgers finally available in Budapest
I spotted Vega Gorilla Bufe (Paulay Ede utca 8) on a Facebook link a few weeks ago, but it was not until they contacted me last week about Fair Trade coffee that I took notice, and I am glad I did.Read more »
Concert Review: Shameless and The Rorschach Band
I was happy to drag myself out of my sickbed Saturday night and wonder over to one of my favorite watering holes, The Caledonia, to hear Shameless (Read more »
Southern Humor
Baby Blue Banana brought us three top international English language stand-up comics last night at the Sziget Klub Terasz.Read more »
Cherries, Toads and Fireflies
The weather was not so cooperative this weekend at the house, but we still managed to have a couple nice campfires and grill a bit. Shopping at Auchan in Miskolc on the way I became very frustrated.Read more »
The Recycling Myth - REDUCE and REUSE
I am not a fan of recycling. Yes, it makes us feel good, but the waste is still produced and it gives us a false sense of security thinking that once the paper or bottle goes into a selective collection bin the problem is taken care of.Read more »
So, a Pole, a Brit and an American go into a pub
So, a Pole, a Brit and an American go into a pub for an English stand-up comedy evening...we were seated in the front row together, and I thought maaaaaaan are we gonna get it.Read more »
Pentecost Weekend at Balaton
I accompanied a couple families over the long weekend for a stay at the Hullam Hostel in Revfulop.Read more »
26 Wines in 4 Hours
Funzine organised a wine tasting for opinion makers with Marci Csillag, one of the owners of lovely M Restaurant and his business partner Laci. I was lucky enough to be counted as one of these people. It was fun evening, and well organised.Read more »
Food Miles: Buy and Eat Local
Food Miles is a measurement of the distance food travels from where it is grown to where it is ultimately purchased or consumed by the end user. How much of the food you will eat today will be locally produced? And how much will travel hundreds, if not thousands, of miles before it is delivered to your plate?Read more »